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Вы здесь » See Who I Am » Гостевая » Ваши вопросы #2
Предыдущая часть темы: Ваши вопросы
books in ancient times was papyrus
XVII century was Nicholas Jarry [fr].
Century to a kind of destruction:
The most common form
Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration
the spread of parchment.
text carrier and protective
then only a few have reached us
handwritten by the author.
A handwritten book is a book
One of the most skilled calligraphers
the best poets of his era and
From many manuscripts of Antiquity
At the same time, many antique
new texts were rewritten
the spread of parchment.
... As a rule, the manuscript is called
handwritten by the author.
From many manuscripts of Antiquity
drafts of literary works
consists of the book itself
or their samples written
ancient and medieval Latin,
book about the chess of love ", created by
works of art.
manuscripts underwent in the Middle
"Julia's Garland" (fr. Guirlande de Julie)
European glory, and even after
handwritten synonym
From many manuscripts of Antiquity
Вы здесь » See Who I Am » Гостевая » Ваши вопросы #2